This is a silent VJ clip that I use in my live mixes when I perform. This clip stars Stabmaster as the glamourpuss on the chain. Made with modul8.
Super Mario 2 Silent 3D glitch videos by Carrie Gates
Here are a couple of silent VJ clips I made that I mix together with other videos when I perform live. I used Super Mario 2 graphics for this set and glitched them up with 3D stuff in modul8.
Whiteflippy feat. Sarah Adorable – Silent VJ Clip by Carrie Gates
This is a silent video clip I use in my mixes in live performance. Shot in Berlin in the spring of 2010, this video features the alluring neo-geo tomfoolery of Ms. Sarah Adorable from Scream Club.
Cindy in Chains – Silent VJ Clip by Carrie Gates
This is a silent video clip I use in my mixes in live performance. Starring the fabulous Cindy Wonderful from Scream Club.
Spellcaster Shellvis – Silent VJ Clip by Carrie Gates
This is a silent video clip I use in my mixes in live performance. This video stars the spellbinding sorcery of Rachelle Carswell, aka Shellvis.
Wizardchow – SIlent VJ Clip by Carrie Gates
This is a silent video clip I use in my mixes in live performance. Nicky Click, the one and only, entertains us with her technochow-wizardry in this clip.
Cooocam – Silent VJ Clip by Carrie Gates on Vimeo
This is a silent video clip I use in my mixes in live performance. This video features Sarah Marie Charters playing with her fancy new Lomographic camera.